Revenue, Risk and Reward in Australia

Time: 12:20 - 13:00
Date: 21 May


With an ever-growing pipeline of large-scale energy storage projects at both operational stage and under construction, this panel will examine some of the most important questions for anyone investing in battery storage: revenue, risk and reward. What do you need to know about emerging business models, trends and revenue streams in Australia?

  • A quick guide to ancillary services in the NEM – FCAS, NSCAS, SRAS
  • Aside from frequency response, what are the best revenue streams available for batteries in Australia? If saturation were to happen in FFR, what next?
  • How attractive is the merchant opportunity for batteries in Australia? Are investors more willing to take on merchant risk for better returns?
  • What is the potential for future revenue stacking where the grid is concerned?
  • When it comes to operational assets, what tools are available to drive performance, extend lifetime, and manage warranties?



  • Ben Irons Co-Founder & Chief Strategy Officer - Habitat Energy
  • Tim Buckley Director - Climate Energy Finance Australasia

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